Tom Lake Cabin

Tom Lake Cabin
Cabin at Tom Lake

Friday, April 30, 2010

Tough Sledding

The week after Easter Chuck Ardizzone, Tom Kron and I took a 3 day trip to the lake. The weather was still in the minus bracket at night but did warm up during the day.

We hauled a couple dozen sheets of 7/16 OSB from under the cabin, placing it on the freight sled, then hauled it around front. Just like the trusses, we hauled them one at a time up to the top of first floor section. From there they were pulled through a hole made by pulling a 4 x 4 panel off the gable end of the second floor.

The work was brutal! I could not help much in pushing the 4 x 8 sheets up through the trusses to the top. Tom and Chuck really knocked themselves out with this job. After a day of sweating and hard physical labor the roof  was sheeted except for a sheet we left off for access. I can't thank these guys enough for this difficult job. It was nerve wracking watching them walk across the sheeting with their fingers stuck through a crack on the ridge while shoving a 4 x 8 sheet along in front of them. We did not have a camera with us but you can imagine leaning out way over your center of balance with one hand grasping a cordless nail gun and the other hanging onto OSB or a truss while nailing another sheet into place. Tom and Chuck were exhausted and sore all over. I wasn't feeling much better. Then it was back to the cabin for dinner and rest.

The next morning Tom came up with the idea of taking my largest tarp and tying rope to the grommets and to a piece of scrap lumber on the other end. We did that then rolled the tarp up with the rope wound around each piece of lumber safely wrapped up into the tarp. We used scrap strips of OSB to nail the tarp to the back end of the roof and Tom carefully pulled tarp tight as he backed up on the ridge towards the front. As a board and rope came into view they rolled down the roof and dangled within arms reach so we could tie the rope off to the foundation. With only two small hang ups it worked perfectly. We tied off the tarp, cleaned up quickly and headed for home. Thanks again Chuck and Tom, I owe you guys a lot for that weekend.

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